by | Oct 12, 2019 | Fitness
Let’s talk queefing during yoga! My bestie and I were standing in the dressing room, talking about this weird thing called queefing that no one EVER talks about.. So my mind went straight to bringing it into some good fruition. I bring to you… This blog...
by | Oct 5, 2019 | Fitness
So a half marathon! Did your heart just beat a little faster while reading that? Or is this your 99th race? My first half marathon was a big deal to me and it should be to you as well because dang, that is a long run! Whether you are a newbie or an ancient runner,...
by | Jun 3, 2019 | Fitness
Ok so you want to go to your first yoga class! Congratulations, yoga is the BEST! This post contains 9 things to expect while attending your first (or close to first) yoga class. I will go through things that, as an instructor myself, I wish new students knew. There...
by | May 23, 2019 | Fitness
THE MOST common question I get as a yoga enthusiast and instructor is, how do I start doing yoga?? I have laid out every option, pros and cons about each and what to expect. That way you can make the best decision for you. YOUTUBE This is the first place people...