Last night, one of my best friends who flew in from South Carolina and some other best friends all gathered around a campfire.

Can I just say, Campfire + Summer + best friends = amazing conversations!

One thing we talked about was our favorite memories.. We started by talking about some good times and ended up talking deeper about how our favorite memories have changed so much.  When we were little it was more about how much fun we had and the giggles!  Since we are older, our favorites have actually been some hard times.  The times where we learn the most and that make a difference in our life!  The moments that really do change us as people for the better.

In light of #TBT I thought I would post one of my favorite memories!  It wasn’t hard, but I definitely learned a lot!!

My husband picked me up after one good 5 mile run in beautiful cloudy weather about 2 years ago.  The plan was to go pick his Aunt up at the airport.. This man of mine had different plans!